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FCC Silent Key Notification

The FCC will cancel the license of the deceased person if a letter is sent including the callsign and a request to cancel the license.

They also require one of the following:

  • A copy (not an original) of the death certificate
  • A newspaper obituary, preferably where his amateur call is mentioned.
  • Social Security death benefits documentation.
  • A printout of the Social Security Death Index. (This may be found on a number of different sites. Here is one exe: http://search.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=3693)

Faxed documents are not accepted. Any included documents will not be returned to you.

Mail the information to:

Federal Communications Commission
Attn: Amateur Radio
1270 Fairfield Rd
Gettysburg, PA 17325-7245

Allow the FCC one to two weeks for them to cancel the license.

You can verify that the FCC has canceled the license by looking up the FCC license call sign data at http://wireless.fcc.gov/uls. If the license has been canceled, the FCC will show the license status as CANCELED.

A close relative may make a preferential request to the FCC that the callsign be assigned to them for their own callsign under the "Vanity Program," if they hold the required license. His local Club may also make a request for the call in honor of the deceased member, with the families permission and supporting letter to the FCC at the address above.

FCC Vanity callsign program information:


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