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QRZ Operating Awards

Welcome to the QRZ Operating Awards Homepage!

From here you will be able to view information on our awards program, as well as see ALL of the awards issued by QRZ and their recipients!

Simply click on one of the awards, or the totals in the box below to view all of the awards issued in that category!

30 Years of QRZs Issued
2 of 5020
Award # CallsignIssue DateEndorsements
#11 VA7EET2023-04-2510M Digital / 10M Mixed / 12M Digital / 12M Mixed / 15M Digital / 15M Mixed / 17M Digital / 17M Mixed / 20M Digital / 20M Mixed / 30M Digital / 30M Mixed / 40M Digital / 40M Mixed / 80M Digital / 80M Mixed / Mixed Phone
#12 W7UUU2023-04-2510M Mixed / 12M Mixed / 15M Mixed / 160M Mixed / 17M Mixed / 20M Mixed / 30M Mixed / 40M Mixed / 60M Mixed / 6M Mixed / 80M Mixed
#13 OE5HHR2023-04-2510M Mixed / 15M Mixed / 160M Mixed / 80M Mixed
#14 N4FUR2023-04-2510M Digital / 10M Mixed / 12M Digital / 12M Mixed / 15M Digital / 15M Mixed / 160M Digital / 160M Mixed / 17M Digital / 17M Mixed / 20M CW / 20M Digital / 20M Mixed / 30M Digital / 30M Mixed / 40M CW / 40M Digital / 40M Mixed / 60M Digital / 60M Mixed / 6M Digital / 6M Mixed / 80M Digital / 80M Mixed / Mixed CW
#15 KD9FGR2023-04-2510M Digital / 10M Mixed / 12M Digital / 12M Mixed / 15M Digital / 15M Mixed / 160M Digital / 160M Mixed / 17M Digital / 17M Mixed / 20M Digital / 20M Mixed / 30M Digital / 30M Mixed / 40M Digital / 40M Mixed
#16 EA5IHM2023-04-2510M Mixed / 15M Mixed / 20M Mixed / 30M Mixed / 40M Mixed / 80M Mixed
#17 9A/N4FUR2023-04-25
#18 TA2YGT2023-04-2510M Mixed / 10M Phone / 20M Mixed / 20M Phone
#19 W4ACW2023-04-2510M Mixed / 10M Phone / 12M Mixed / 12M Phone / 15M Mixed / 15M Phone / 160M Digital / 160M Mixed / 160M Phone / 17M Mixed / 17M Phone / 20M Digital / 20M Mixed / 20M Phone / 2M Mixed / 40M Digital / 40M Mixed / 40M Phone / 60M Mixed / 6M Mixed
#20 IQ0OS2023-04-2510M Mixed / 15M Mixed / 160M Mixed / 20M Mixed / 40M Mixed
2 of 5020
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