For USA amateurs, the lat/long and grid squares listed are presented using one
of three methods. First, QRZ uses the 2006 TIGER/Line data from the US Census
department to perform geododing
of the listed FCC address. This method determines the county, zip code, and a close
approximation of the address's actual lat/long coordinates. This is the same method
used by popular applications such as Google Maps.
Not all addresses can be geocoded due to various factors. For those addresses, we
use a ZipCode geographic database which assigns the general lat/long coordinates of
the Zip Code listed in the FCC record. This method is less accurate because some
zip codes cross county lines, and, because there is only one location for the entire
zip code area, which might be quite large. Another accuracy factor is that the zip
codes listed for some licenses is simply incorrect, due to mistakes made on the
application, or, in one of the license processing steps. There are some zip codes
which for unknown reasons, are unlisted.
QRZ always allows the user to input a custom lat/long position. If a user wishes to
suppress their location, they can enter an arbitrary position, or, Latitude 0,0, Longitude 0.0..
Lat/long coordinates must be entered in decimal degrees. Using this sytem,
positive lattitudes are in the northern hemisphere and negative ones represent
the south. Likewise, east longitude values are positive and west longitude
positions are represented by negative numbers.
If you know your position only by the older degrees, minutes and seconds (nnn, nn', nn'' NE/SW)
method, then you must convert these values to decimal values. An easy way to do
this is to simply find your location on our online GridFinder