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Logbook 3.0 Documentation

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I obtain technical assistance support?
You can open a support ticket at the QRZ Support Center, but chances are that your fellow hams can get you the answers you need more quickly.   That's because there are many more of them than us.  In the Logbook Support Forum, you can post questions and get answers quickly from the community.

How do I make suggestions for improvement?
Post your suggestion to the QRZ Logbook Suggestions and New Feature Requests Forum

How do you prevent cheating?
The system depends on the integrity of the users. Other than fellow operators, few have an interest in claimed accomplishments.  When you are granted an operating award, it's a personal achievement.  Only you know how hard it was to obtain.   If you are willing to cheat by breaking the rules, then your certificate will be valued accordingly.   Each time you look at your certificate hanging on the wall, you'll be reminded of how it was achieved.   How you feel about yourself is yours to appreciate.

That said, if cheating is brought to our attention, we will treat the perpetrator(s) unkindly.  In other words, they'll be thrown out.   Most cheating in these things is known only to the perpetrators.

What if another party was assigned this callsign in the past (or future)?
Our logbook was designed from the start to handle this situation.   That's why we keep a separate logbook for each call sign, and that book is bounded by start and end dates.   A single call sign/date combo is always considered unique, which is why the dates may never overlap, not even a little.

So, even after years of use, a call sign can easily be transferred to a new person because they will receive a brand-new logbook that starts today.

What accommodations are provided for roaming stations?
If you have a roaming operation, there are two ways to log it at QRZ.  Which method you use will depend on how you sign your QSOs.  If you are signing with a /P or other suffix, you must create a new logbook for portable operations.  If you are not using a prefix or suffix modifier, you may log into your regular logbook.  

As each QSO is entered, there is a page where the operator's current location is specified.   This location defaults to what is kept in the Logbook Properties for your book.  You may change it on the fly as you enter QSOs, but if you want the system to default to your current location, you will need to update the Logbook Properties with the information relevant to your present QTH.

Logbook Properties are found on the Settings page

Does the Logbook Program issue QSL cards?
No, we don't send postcards, ever.  The Logbook does issue operating awards.

Is confirmation achieved automatically?
Confirmations are automatically attained provided the worked party is also a registered QRZ user and has entered a matching QSO record in its logbook.  Manual confirmation or confirmation override is not possible.  The system looks for two matching QSO records to make confirmation.  That is the only thing that will suffice.

What constitutes a confirmation match?
Callsigns, Date/Time, Band, and Mode

How are confirmation disagreements resolved?
The QSO parties may coordinate with each other to resolve differences.

How does a QSL manager deal with the logbooks of those represented?
A Subscriber may add the QSL Manager to the target callsign logbook as a "guest user."

Does the QRZ Logbook accommodate SWLs?
No, the Logbook QSO has no provisions for "listener-only" reports.

How do I add a new QSO?
A: On the left-hand side of the grey menu panel, there is a text box where you can enter the callsign and click the "New Contact" button. After entering your QSO data, you can click "Save" to add the QSO to your logbook.

How do I delete a QSO?
There are two ways to accomplish this: 1) In your logbook, click on the QSO that you wish to delete and click the "Delete" button from the "Actions" menu bar 2) In your logbook, check the box for each QSO you would like to delete, then click the "Actions" button which appears in the bottom bar. You can select "Delete the selected records" and continue from there.

Important note: Confirmed QSOs cannot be deleted.

How do I import my ADIF log file?
From the logbook, select "Settings" and then click the "Import" button under the "ADIF Import/Export" heading. The instructions there will walk you through the rest of the process.

How do I export my QSOs to an ADIF log file?
(Subscribers Only) There are two ways to accomplish this:

  1. To export all QSOs in this logbook: From the logbook, select "Settings" and then select the "Export" button under the "ADIF Import/Export" heading. The instructions there will walk you through the rest of the process.
  2. To export a filtered set of QSOs: From the logbook, select any view you wish, or select "New View" from the view dropdown. You can then set up any filter parameters you wish to use. Changes are saved automatically. After applying the filter parameters you want, select "Export Results" from the "Menu" dropdown at the top of the "Filter Options" pane.

I've moved to a new QTH. Why do my outgoing logs still show my old address?
You are given the opportunity to state your QTH each time you log a contact.  Most people, however, let the system fill in the details of their own QTH by inserting the Logbook Properties.   Logbook Properties are the settings for your current setup that you wish to have defaulted into new QSOs that you make.  Changing the logbook properties affects only future records that you input.  It never changes any existing QSOs.

My callsign has changed. Why does my logbook still show my old callsign?
This is because each logbook is associated with a given callsign, location, and date range. If any one of these changes, you should create a new logbook. With your existing logbook open, select "Settings" then click the "Properties" button beside the "Current Logbook" heading. Now change the "End Date" for your logbook to the date that your operation halted for your old callsign and click "Save". From here, you can now select "New Logbook" from the dropdown menu and create a new logbook for your new callsign, with a "Start Date" of the day your operation began with the new callsign. Note: the "Start Date" of your new logbook must be at least one (1) day after the "End Date" of your old logbook.

I manage another callsign; how can I add log entries for that callsign?
Once you have permission to manage the callsign, its logbook will appear in the logbook dropdown menu. From there, you can select it and set up the logbook. Once the logbook is created, you can add log entries to it.

How do I allow club members to add QSOs to a club logbook?
(Subscribers Only) From the logbook, select "Settings" and then click the "Properties" button beside the "Current Logbook" heading. Here you can add a list of other users who are authorized to add log entries to your logbook.

How do I filter my logbook results?
Select a particular view or "New View" from the view drop-down menu. From there, you can enter any filter parameters you wish in the "View Options" pane, along with a custom name for this group of filter parameters ("View.") You can change the name of the view and select Save. Note: Groups of filter parameters are automatically saved as a "View," which you can recall at any time from the view drop-down menu.

How do I confirm a QSO?
You confirm a QSO by entering it into your logbook.  You have to provide the details from your notes.    When your logbook entry matches the one made by the other party, the QSO is deemed "confirmed."  Confirmation is considered concrete.  You can never change, delete, or edit a confirmed QSO.   The reason is that two separate individuals attested to the record as it currently stands.   We will not accept "both of us made a  mistake" as an excuse.  Another reason is that awards that were issued against the QSO may already exist.  Once granted, we do not revoke awards.

I am being told I cannot create or edit a logbook with the given dates.
Every logbook is associated with one callsign, one location, and one date range. There are a few reasons why you may be seeing this message: 1) Either there is already a logbook for that callsign, and your entered date range overlaps 2) You are not the current holder of that callsign, or it's QRZ manager, and you entered a date range that overlaps the member's license effective and expiration dates issued by their government.

When another station adds a QSO with me, the QTH information is wrong.
QTH information is taken from your logbook properties first. If no logbook exists, it takes the data from the callsign record in our database. Edit your logbook properties, or create a new logbook for the callsign to control the displayed QTH data.

When logging a new QSO I get a CQ/ITU Zone must be valid or empty error.
ITU/CQ Zones can't be determined automatically for all cases.  The traditional way to determine your ITU and CQ Zones is to look them up on a map.   Maps exist and are easily located using Google.

When logging a new QSO I get a "The entered Start/End Dates are not within the date range of this logbook" error.
It means that you are attempting to insert a QSO into a logbook that isn't open for the date indicated in the record.   Either open up (widen) the date range using Settings in the Logbook or start a new logbook.

How do I send my logs TO LoTW from QRZ?
If you have a QRZ Subscription, There are two ways to accomplish this:

  1. Follow the instructions in our step-by-step guide to setup LoTW integration with QRZ: here.
  2. Export your ADIF from QRZ then use TQSL to import the logs to LoTW. Instructions: here.

How do I download my logs into QRZ FROM LoTW?
Follow the instructions in our step-by-step guide to setup LoTW DOWNLOAD integration with QRZ, and complete a download: here

Is there a QRZ Logbook API for developers?
YES! You can view the API developer document: here.

How do I import QSL Cards that I've collected over the years?
You don't.   QRZ cannot accept paper QSL's of any kind.  The QRZ Logbook is 100% digital.  If you can get your cards into LoTW then we will accept the data and confirmations from them.

What if my question isn't answered here?
Your first stop for questions that are not answered here should be the Logbook Support Forums: here. Your next stop is the QRZ helpdesk: here.

This page was last updated April 15, 2024 17:01